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Vesa Oja
16. syysk. 20191 min käytetty lukemiseen
John Haivala Gillette 2011
11th Finglish trip July 2011 #13 John Haivala´s grandparents came from Finland in 1904. John´s grandfather served in the Army. His father...
46 katselukertaa
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Vesa Oja
6. elok. 20181 min käytetty lukemiseen
Albert Jokela Irvine 2009
8th Finglish trip June 2009 #22 The family of Albert Jokela's mother moved from Alahärmä to Ishpeming, Michigan in 1903. His father's...
22 katselukertaa
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Vesa Oja
24. huhtik. 20172 min käytetty lukemiseen
Paul & Beatrice Bjorklund Mercer Island 2007
6th Finnish trip December 2007 #11 Paul Victor Bjorklund, The Rev. Paul Bjorklund was born in Negaunee, Michigan to Anna Sofia and Anders...
18 katselukertaa
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Vesa Oja
2. tammik. 20171 min käytetty lukemiseen
The Koski Family Trumansburg 2007
5th Finglish trip July 2007 #33 Jason, Ella, Richard and William Koski represent four generations of musicians. Jason is a photographer...
85 katselukertaa
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Vesa Oja
3. lokak. 20161 min käytetty lukemiseen
Leila Lehto Aura 2007
5th Finglish trip July 2007 #20 When Leila Lehto's grandparents came from Finland to Canada they shortened their name from Haapalehto to...
35 katselukertaa
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