5th Finglish trip July 2007 #32
Hemmo Huttunen (1926-2014) was born in Juuka Finland, the son of Samuli and Anni Huttunen.
As a teenager he attended agricultural school in Järvenpää, Finland and was drafted to serve in the Finnish military in Kontiolahti in 1944. Hemmo moved from Finland to Spencer, NY in 1947 and became a dairy farmer. Soon after, he had built the first milking parlor in Tompkins County and later earned the county's Young Farmer of the Year Award.
Hemmo left farming in 1963 to be a union carpenter. He built a geo solar home that was the first of it's kind in New York State and retired there to his Southview Christmas Tree Farm that he established in 1981 along with his wife and children. Hemmo was a gifted musician. He enjoyed outdoor winter sports, as well as ballroom and square dancing. He was a founding member of the Finger Lakes Finns, and hosted Juhannus (Midsummer) celebrations annually at his farm.

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