7th Finglish trip August 2008 #19
Barry Heiniluoma was employed by the Norton Company and Katy worked in a hospital. Barry’s grandfather came from the Heiniluoma River in Teuva, Finland. He moved to America at the age of 17 in 1905 to escape being called up into the Russian army. Barry’s grandmother came from Jurva. Katy’s grandparents on her mother’s side came from Haapajärvi in Finland in the early 1900.
The Finnish Temperance Society Sovittaja was founded in Worcester in 1895. In 1926, the society bought land on Demond Pond in Rutland for a sports ground and dance hall. Heiniluoma’s father was one of the four members of the society that launched its activities. Members also built small summer cottages and saunas in the area.

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