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Alfred Juntunen Rolla 2011

Writer: Vesa OjaVesa Oja

11th Finglish trip July 2011 #20

The Rolla-Rocklake community in Rolette and Towner Counties, initially settled in 1896, evolved into North Dakota's largest Finnish colony. Alfred Juntunen´s grandfather Sakari Juntunen with three of his brothers from Suomussalmi were among the early homesteaders with Josef Carlson from Kuusamo, where he was Jooseppi Luukkonen, and Abel and Ivar Pyykkönen from Suomussalmi.

Alfred and Hazel Juntunen take good care of the Towner County Finnish Cemetery located between Rolla and Rocklake. In 1936, Lars Akneberg gave two acres land to the congregation for a cemetery.

Finnish Pioneer Monument was erected in 1956 near Rolla by North Dakota Finnish Historical Society: 'We dedicate this monument to the memory of the Finnish Pioneers who came here in 1896 and after. They tilled this soil with oxen and horses and lived in houses of earth sod. Through their early efforts we have achieved our present living standard.'

Next Howard Carlson Rocklake North Dakota USA



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