11th Finglish trip August 2011 #24
Annikki Marttila nee Visuri came to USA in 1975 to interpret her father as he searched for relatives. In Savo, South Dakota, Annikki met John Jussi Marttila and they got married and had two daughters.
They made their home on the Marttila farm together, working and raising their family. The Marttila Farm is honored as a Century Farm because it has been in the same family for one hundred years.
Prior to her arrival in the USA, Annikki was a teacher at Ylivieska, Finland. She also graduated as a teacher in the United States but never worked in the profession. She enjoys rag rug weaving and other crafts. Annikki has a Weaving Studio and Shop at the farm.

Next Raymond Bentley New York Mills Minnesota USA
#AnnikkiMarttila #AnnikkiVisuri #Savo #SouthDakota #JohnJussiMarttila #TheMarttilaFarm #CenturyFarm #Ylivieska #Finland #AnnikkisWeavingStudioAndShop