11th Finglish trip August 2011 #29
The R.W. Lindholm Gas Station is a service station designed by Frank Lloyd Wright and located in Cloquet, Minnesota. Built in 1958 and still in use, it is the only station built to a Wright design during his lifetime.
It was originally part of Wright's utopian Broadacre City plan and is one of the few designs from that plan that was actually implemented. The building is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Wright had designed station owner Ray Lindholm's house Mäntylä in 1952 and, knowing Lindholm worked in the oil business, presented him with a proposal to design the gas station. Lindholm seized the opportunity to beautify gas station design, and Wright completed his design in 1956.
The business had remained in the Lindholm family for nearly 60 years as it was passed down to his daughter and then to his daughter's sons.
Next Arne Vainio Cloquet Minnesota USA
#RWLindholmGasStation #Cloquet #Minnesota #FrankLloydWright #BroadacreCity #NationalRegisterOfHistoricPlaces #RayLindholm #Mäntylä